Swach Bharath Abhyan

Bhagamma Dept of Sociology organized weekly outreach under the following objectives:
a) To build rapport with the village community
b) To create an awareness about the importance of health
c) To create awareness about the social issues.
d) To convey awareness about the issues through skits, dramas, street plays and musicals.
e) Programmes to create Social awareness
On 26/09/2018 the students of the social concern visited Chimlapur village. Mr. Khaseemasabb Dept of Political Science, welcomed the gathering. Mr. Devanna coordinator of the social concern gave a brief introduction about the social concern programme, the importance of health and the impact of the dowry system in our society. Then the students performed a street play on impact of dowry system which is still in practice in some of the interior villages in Raichur district. The students danced to the tune of Chennappa chennegouda a folk socng while Arogya and Radhamma sang awareness songs. They also performed skits on defecation free surroundings.
Daddala Pannur
Rev Fr. Royston Madtha SJ, Principal accompanied the Social concern association to the village of Daddala Pannur. Mr. Devanna the coordinator welcomed the gathering. The programme began with a prayer song sung by Shilpa and group. Ms. Anjali sang a patriotic song to invite village people to the gathering.
Then the main goal of our programme was to create awareness about health issues. The students performed skits on Bayalu Muktha Souchalaya defecation free zone. Ms. Shailamma of B.A second year sang a folk song.
Mr. Oblesh and group performed skits to create awareness on the effects of dowry system. Ms. Mariyamma P sang a song on child labour. Our Principal Rev Fr. Royston Madta SJ spoke a few words about the programme and about the importance of health, cleanliness, and the evils of dowry system which is still being practiced in many interior villages. Then Fr. Royston asked an opinion about the programme performed by our college students. Two to three villagers express their views and were appreciative about the programme.
The programme on the whole created awarensess on various social issues and the evils of the society. Our goal and objectives of social concern association were fulfilled and association got a good response by the villagers.