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Student Life

Loyola college follows a multi-pronged approach in its educational processes. The college was established to form 'Men and Women for others' with a motto of 'Reaching the Unreached.'  The motto of the institution has inspired hundreds of students . it is for this reason that Jesuit Education has become a touchstone for evolving new paradigm in higher education. The College believes in the holistic development of a student, and to facilitate the same various student services are offered by the college.

Loyola College belongs to a network of educational institutions administered by the members of the Society of Jesus, a religious order which runs schools and colleges and universities in more than 105 countries in the world. The members of the order, popularly known as Jesuits, have acquired a reputation for excellence in the quality of education.

The 'MAGIS' the Jesuit word for relentless pursuit of excellence, was the formula that prompted the Jesuits and their students to engage in innovative research and discovery in the fields of science, mathematics, astronomy, geographic explorations and study of Language.

The College strives to scale up classroom learning by conducting conferences, workshops, seminars, guest lectures by experts, project work, internship, field visits and industrial visits.  


Industry – Academia interaction and MoUs with corporate sectors and research institutions have ensured that students obtain best possible exposure to multiple learning experiences.  


The Courses at the Undergraduate level are Marks Based System.  


Utmost attention is paid to infuse an ideal mix of intellectual and skill acquisition component while designing the syllabus.  


The Courses are designed taking global competencies as a frame of reference. 

Student Associations

Co-curricular and extra-curricular activities are carried out through 15 Co-Curricular and 5 extra-curricular associations of UG  including national statutory organizations like NCC, NSS. 


The college has  NCC and NSS units. In fact, our college is the only one college in the university area to have NCC.

Every student is a part of any one of the associations during I and II year as a part of the curriculum and credit system. LCM has 4 clubs for co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. 

Regular guided individual turns for the Morning Assembly to present ‘Thought for the Day’ and Reflection with current news updates and daily quizzes is a practice. 


A two day guidance and counselling programm and a family life education programme is organised for students for their personal and emotional well being. 



The students of the college have brought laurels to the college in NCC and NSS activities.   They have won the ‘Best Cadet’ awards in various camps. 

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