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"The heart has its reasons of which the mind knows nothing.”
Ignatius Loyola’s conversion occurred as he became able to interpret the spiritual meaning of his emotional life. The spirituality he developed places great emphasis on the affective life: the use of imagination in prayer, discernment and interpretation of feelings, cultivation of great desires, and generous service. Ignatian spiritual renewal focuses more on the heart than the intellect. It holds that our choices and decisions are often beyond the merely rational or reasonable. Its goal is an eager, generous, wholehearted offer of oneself to God and to his work.

"Reaching theUnreached

And this is clarified in the various options it has made below:

  1. The management has a special social concern for the children who are victims of child labour, bonded labour and the Devadasi system. Hence it has made a preferential option to the marginalized, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. It offers cuch children greater privileges though choice of education.

  2. The management gives special attention to the girl child who is generally considered a liability and used rather than respected in various circles. To ensure safe and prosperous future to such children the school takes the initiative to educate them with boarding facilities.

  3. The management makes a preferential option to provide educational opportunities to children who live in remote and inaccessible villages.

  4. The management does not consider les talented students as a hindrance to its quality educational programme. It rather accepts such students as a challenge to its efforts in education.


Aims and Objectives

I Jesuit Education is inspired by a vision drawn from the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. It is based on the principles of character formation elaborated by St. lgnatius of Loyola. This vision and principles give Jesuit Institutions a specific character and set before the staff and students high ideals towards which they are invited to strive. Concretely it would mean:

Openness to growth

A student is expected to mature as a person emotionally, intellectually, socially and religiously to a level that reflects responsibility for his/her own growth as opposed to a passive, drifting and laissez-faire attitude. The student must begin to reach out towards his/her development, seeking opportunities to stretch his/her mind, imagination, feelings and religious consciousness. One needs to learn to move beyond self- interest or self- centeredness in relation to others and to reflect the confidence and freedom of a mature person

Intellectual Competence

A mastery of academic requirements for advanced forms of education is to be cultivated. The student needs to see the need for intellectual integrity in a personal quest for truth and justice. This would mean, that the ‘Loyolite’ is expected to develop intellectual skills and understanding, which cut across and go beyond academic requirements.

Academic Excellence

The primary aim of our education is to strengthen our base for academic excellence. Academic excellence is not to merely remain at the level of high percentage results, but to the extent we are able to train persons in various strata of knowledge. This is done through various associations and activities which are intellectually oriented such as quizzes, debates, lectures, contests and the like. The interest and the encouragement of the teachers and management have led to the growth of this academic atmosphere. All in all, academic excellence has been the prime aim of the institution.

Commitment to Justice

The College helps students to acquire considerable knowledge of the many needs of local and wider communities. It is a preparation for the day when students take their legitimate and rightful place in society as competent, concerned and responsible members. The students are expected to acquire skills necessary to live as persons for others, becoming aware of selfish attitudes and tendencies in oneself and in society and to strive to overcome them.

Inter Religious Dialogue

The college deeply respects all faiths. The student is expected to have a basic knowledge of the major doctrines and practice of these faiths. He/she is expected to examine his/her religious feelings and beliefs with a view to deepen the basic and fundamental orientation towards God and establish a relationship with his/her religious traditions and community.


In keeping with its high traditions in sports, Loyola Pre-University College has always encouraged sports and games, thus catering to the physical growth and development of sportsmanship in the students. It is on the playground that students develop and cultivate team spirit, honesty, co-operation, fair play and habits of health and hygiene.

Cultural Integrity

Loyola Pre-University College expects its students to develop a patriotic spirit. This would mean a deep appreciation of the cultural heritage of the country and the capacity to transcend parochial, communal and regional feelings and sentiments. A secular and democratic outlook with a deep loyalty to the nation and an awareness of current social, economic and political trends gives the students the gives realization of the great task ahead of them as responsible citizens.

National Outlook

Our objective of education involves promoting patriotism. The students are expected to be aware of national history and events. The celebration of national days like Independence Day, Republic Day, j Martyrs' Day etc and the study of the National Flag, makes the I students proud of our national heritage.

Our Inspiration

Loyola College, is a religious Minority Institution. Though primarily intended to give Catholic education to Catholic children, the college is open to all without distinction of caste and creed. The motto of this College is “To Reach the Unreached"


For the religious and moral formation of the students, regular courses in Bible studies for Catholic students and value education classes for all the students are held during the academic year.

One credit course (15 hours) on Bible studies will be held for Catholic students.

One credit course (15 hours) on Value Education will be held for all the students.

In order to promote values like social service, co-operation, dedication, and leadership, students are advised to join the association functioning in the college.

Co-Curricular Activities:

Studies alone do not make a full person. There are various co- curricular activities which contribute towards the growth of the Student. Every Student should be proficient in one or other co-curricular activity

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