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Internal Quality Assurance Cell

One of the various methods of receiving feed back, enhancing the curriculum and developing a method to convey the importance of syllabus to the students is through inter active secessions between the teachers and students. One such method to bridge a gap between teaching and learning is through creating Students Quality Assurance Cell (SQAC).

On the 3rd of September 2018 the Principal Rev Fr Roysotn Madtha SJ formally constituted the SQAC.  The Principal explained the nuances of the SQAC cell and the need for  and active participation of the students in the cell. The main objectives are as follows:

1. To create an awareness among the students on the quality of education through Internal Quality Assurance Cell

2. To create an atmosphere of teaching and learning

3. To bring out the talents in the students

4. To build a team sprit among the students

5. Improve the students satisfaction index and student learning index

6. To improve the growth of the college, library, staff, and management though regular feedback

7. To provide opportunities for the student feedback mechanisms, create awareness on necessity of feedback, effective implementation of the feedback though time bound mechanism. 

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